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Endpoints environment variables#

File-based configuration

You can add _FILE to individual variables to provide their configuration in a separate file. Refer to Keeping sensitive data in separate files for more details.

This page lists environment variables for customizing endpoints in n8n.

Variable Type Default Description
N8N_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MAX Number 16 The maximum payload size in MB.
N8N_METRICS Boolean false Whether to enable the /metrics endpoint.
N8N_METRICS_PREFIX String n8n_ Optional prefix for n8n specific metrics names.
N8N_METRICS_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_METRICS Boolean true Whether to expose default system and node.js metrics.
N8N_METRICS_INCLUDE_CACHE_METRICS Boolean false Whether to include metrics (true) for cache hits and misses, or not include them (false).
N8N_METRICS_INCLUDE_MESSAGE_EVENT_BUS_METRICS Boolean false Whether to include metrics (true) for events, or not include them (false).
N8N_METRICS_INCLUDE_WORKFLOW_ID_LABEL Boolean false Whether to include a label for the workflow ID on workflow metrics.
N8N_METRICS_INCLUDE_NODE_TYPE_LABEL Boolean false Whether to include a label for the node type on node metrics.
N8N_METRICS_INCLUDE_CREDENTIAL_TYPE_LABEL Boolean false Whether to include a label for the credential type on credential metrics.
N8N_METRICS_INCLUDE_API_ENDPOINTS Boolean false Whether to expose metrics for API endpoints.
N8N_METRICS_INCLUDE_API_PATH_LABEL Boolean false Whether to include a label for the path of API invocations.
N8N_METRICS_INCLUDE_API_METHOD_LABEL Boolean false Whether to include a label for the HTTP method (GET, POST, ...) of API invocations.
N8N_METRICS_INCLUDE_API_STATUS_CODE_LABEL Boolean false Whether to include a label for the HTTP status code (200, 404, ...) of API invocations.
N8N_METRICS_INCLUDE_QUEUE_METRICS Boolean false Whether to include metrics for jobs in scaling mode. Not supported in multi-main setup.
N8N_METRICS_QUEUE_METRICS_INTERVAL Integer 20 How often (in seconds) to update queue metrics.
N8N_ENDPOINT_REST String rest The path used for REST endpoint.
N8N_ENDPOINT_WEBHOOK String webhook The path used for webhook endpoint.
N8N_ENDPOINT_WEBHOOK_TEST String webhook-test The path used for test-webhook endpoint.
N8N_ENDPOINT_WEBHOOK_WAIT String webhook-waiting The path used for waiting-webhook endpoint.
WEBHOOK_URL String - Used to manually provide the Webhook URL when running n8n behind a reverse proxy. See here for more details.
N8N_DISABLE_PRODUCTION_MAIN_PROCESS Boolean false Disable production webhooks from main process. This helps ensure no HTTP traffic load to main process when using webhook-specific processes.