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Elasticsearch credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:

Supported authentication methods#

  • Basic auth

Refer to Elasticsearch's documentation for more information about the service.

Using basic auth#

To configure this credential, you'll need an Elasticsearch account with a deployment and:

  • A Username
  • A Password
  • Your Elasticsearch application's Base URL (also known as the Elasticsearch application endpoint)

To set up the credential:

  1. Enter your Elasticsearch Username.
  2. Enter your Elasticsearch Password.
  3. In Elasticsearch, go to Deployments.
  4. Select your deployment.
  5. Select Manage this deployment.
  6. In the Applications section, copy the endpoint of the Elasticsearch application.
  7. Enter this in n8n as the Base URL.
  8. By default, n8n connects only if SSL certificate validation succeeds. If you'd like to connect even if SSL certificate validation fails, turn on Ignore SSL Issues.

Custom endpoint aliases

If you add a custom endpoint alias to a deployment, update your n8n credential Base URL with the new endpoint.