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Kafka credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:

Supported authentication methods#

  • Client ID

Refer to Kafka's documentation for more information about using the service.

If you're new to Kafka, refer to the Apache Kafka Quickstart for initial setup.

Refer to Encryption and Authentication using SSL for working with SSL in Kafka.

Using client ID#

To configure this credential, you'll need a running Kafka environment and:

  • A Client ID
  • A list of relevant Brokers
  • Username/password authentication details if your Kafka environment uses authentication

To set it up:

  1. Enter the CLIENT-ID of the client or consumer group in the Client ID field in your credential.
  2. Enter a comma-separated list of relevant Brokers for the credential to use in the format <broker-service-name>:<port>. Use the name you gave the broker when you defined it in the services list. For example, kafka-1:9092,kafka-2:9092 would add the brokers kafka-1 and kafka-2 on port 9092.
  3. If your Kafka environment doesn't use SSL, turn off the SSL toggle.
  4. If you've enabled authentication using SASL in your Kafka environment, turn on the Authentication toggle. Then add:
    1. The Username
    2. The Password
    3. Select the broker's configured SASL Mechanism. Refer to SASL configuration for more information. Options include:
      • Plain
      • scram-sha-256
      • scram-sha-512