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Line credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:

Supported authentication methods#

  • Notify OAuth2

Refer to Line Notify's API documentation for more information about the service.

Using Notify OAuth2#

To configure this credential, you'll need a Line account and:

  • A Client ID
  • A Client Secret

To generate both, connect Line with Line Notify. Then:

  1. Open the Line Notify page to add a new service.
  2. Enter a Service name. This name displays when someone tries to connect to the service.
  3. Enter a Service description.
  4. Enter a Service URL
  5. Enter your Company/Enterprise.
  6. Select your Country/region.
  7. Enter your name or team name as the Representative.
  8. Enter a valid Email address. Line will verify this email address before the service is fully registered. Use an email address you have ready access to.
  9. Copy the OAuth Redirect URL from your n8n credential and enter it as the Callback URL in Line Notify.
  10. Select Agree and continue to agree to the terms of service.
  11. Verify the information you entered is correct and select Add.
  12. Check your email and open the Line Notify Registration URL to verify your email address.
  13. Once verification is complete, open My services.
  14. Select the service you just added.
  15. Copy the Client ID and enter it in your n8n credential.
  16. Select the option to Display the Client Secret. Copy the Client Secret and enter it in your n8n credential.
  17. In n8n, select Connect my account and follow the on-screen prompts to finish the credential.

Refer to the Authentication section of Line Notify's API documentation for more information.