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S3 credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Create an account on an S3-compatible server. Use the S3 node for generic or non-AWS S3 like:

Supported authentication methods#

  • S3 endpoint

Refer to your S3-compatible provider's documentation for more information on the services. For example, refer to Wasabi's REST API documentation or DigitalOcean's Spaces API Reference Documentation.

Using S3 endpoint#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • An S3 Endpoint: Enter the URL endpoint for the S3 storage backend.
  • A Region: Enter the region for your S3 storage. Some providers call this the "region slug."
  • An Access Key ID: Enter the S3 access key your S3 provider uses to access the bucket or space. Some providers call this API keys.
  • A Secret Access Key: Enter the secret access key for the Access Key ID.
  • Force Path Style: When turned on, the connection uses path-style addressing for buckets.
  • Ignore SSL Issues: When turned on, n8n will connect even if SSL certificate validation fails.

More detailed instructions for DigitalOcean Spaces and Wasabi follow. If you're using a different provider, refer to their documentation for more information.

Using DigitalOcean Spaces#

To configure the credential for use with DigitalOcean spaces:

  1. In DigitalOceans, go to the control panel and open Settings. Your endpoint should be listed there. Prepend https:// to that endpoint and enter it as the S3 Endpoint in n8n.
    • Your DigitalOceans endpoint depends on the data center region your bucket's in.
  2. For the Region, enter the region your bucket's located in, for example, nyc3.
    • If you plan to use this credential to create new Spaces, enter us-east-1 instead.
  3. From your DigitalOceans control panel, go to API.
  4. Open the Spaces Keys tab.
  5. Select Generate New Key.
  6. Enter a Name for your key, like n8n integration and select the checkmark.
  7. Copy the Key displayed next to the name and enter this as the Access Key ID in n8n.
  8. Copy the Secret value and enter this as the Secret Access Key in n8n.
  9. Keep the Force Path Style toggle turned off unless you want to use subdomain/virtual calling format.
  10. Decide how you want the n8n credential to handle SSL:
    • To respect SSL certificate validation, keep the default of Ignore SSL Issues turned off.
    • To connect even if SSL certificate validation fails, turn on Ignore SSL Issues.

Refer to DigitalOcean's Spaces API Reference Documentation for more information.

Using Wasabi#

To configure the credential for use with Wasabi:

  1. For the S3 Endpoint, enter the service URL for your bucket's region. Start it with https://.
  2. For the Region, enter the region slug portion of the service URL. For example, if you entered as the S3 Endpoint, us-east-2 is the region.
  3. Log into you Wasabi Console as the root user.
  4. Open the Menu and select Access Keys.
  6. Select whether the key is for the Root User or a Sub-User and select CREATE.
  7. Copy the Access Key and enter it in n8n as the Access Key ID.
  8. Copy the Secret Key and enter it in n8n as the Secret Access Key.
  9. Wasabi recommends turning on the Force Path Style toggle "because the path-style offers the greatest flexibility in bucket names, avoiding domain name issues." Refer to the Wasabi REST API Introduction for more information.
  10. Decide how you want the n8n credential to handle SSL:
    • To respect SSL certificate validation, keep the default of Ignore SSL Issues turned off.
    • To connect even if SSL certificate validation fails, turn on Ignore SSL Issues.