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Stripe credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:

Supported authentication methods#

  • API key

Refer to Stripe's API documentation for more information about the service.

Using API key#

To configure this credential, you'll need a Stripe admin or developer account and:

  • An API Secret Key

Before you generate an API key, decide whether to generate it in live mode or test mode. Refer to Test mode and live mode for more information about the two modes.

Live mode Secret key#

To generate a Secret key in live mode:

  1. Open the Stripe developer dashboard and select API Keys.
  2. In the Standard Keys section, select Create secret key.
  3. Enter a Key name, like n8n integration.
  4. Select Create. The new API key displays.
  5. Copy the key and enter it in your n8n credential as the Secret Key.

Refer to Stripe's Create a secret API key for more information.

Test mode Secret key#

To use a Secret key in test mode, you must copy the existing one:

  1. Go to your Stripe test mode developer dashboard and select API Keys.
  2. In the Standard Keys section, select Reveal test key for the Secret key.
  3. Copy the key and enter it in your n8n credential as the Secret Key.

Refer to Stripe's Create a secret API key for more information.

Test mode and live mode#

All Stripe API requests happen within either test mode or live mode. Each mode has its own API key.

Use test mode to access simulated test data and live mode to access actual account data. Objects in one mode aren’t accessible to the other.

Refer to API keys | Test mode versus live mode for more information about what's available in each mode and guidance on when to use each.

n8n credentials for both modes

If you want to work with both live mode and test mode keys, store each mode's key in a separate n8n credential.

Key prefixes#

Stripes' Secret keys always begin with sk_:

  • Live keys begin with sk_live_.
  • Test keys begin with sk_test_.

n8n hasn't tested these credentials with Restricted keys (prefixed rk_).

Publishable keys

Don't use the Publishable keys (prefixed pk_) with your n8n credential.